Thursday, May 31, 2007

WindLight First Look Viewer

WindLight First Look View
Originally uploaded by RedDawn Bade
Just wanted to share that there is a new First Look viewer for Second Life that now has the WindLight feature enabled.

First Look Download

All I can say is wow. This feature is going to allow for some absolutely stunning photography. With just a little tweaking of the settings I got this sunset shot with fantastic colors (no post processing).

Note, this is an early look at a future feature, and as such, does have issues. Most of the default settings suck (no other way to say it) and there is no option to use the SL "classic" look. There are also other issues with everything from client stability to views at altitude.

I'd recommend downloading the First Look viewer today, and check it out for yourself. Be sure to provide feedback to Linden Labs - they need our help to make the final product the best it can be.

WindLight JIRA Issues

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