Off the Deep End
During a momentary lapse of sanity last week, I went to the Linden land store and bought an island.
It's not like my current land wasn't big enough. It's just that I was getting no response from my estate owners on a simple terraforming request. My crazy solution to that problem was to set up my own island to do with as I please.
Well, after waiting a week my island showed up yesterday. I've been working like mad to get it ready and start setting up home.
So what's a girl going to do with an island.
Good question - I'll let you know when I figure it out.
At some point I'd like to find a way working with my friends to have a place for modeling and photography (I've already set up a basic studio - location is in my profile). I may also sell or lease off some portion to reduce my tier payments (I'm so not looking forward to my first one next month).
I'm sure I'll have much more to share in the coming days.
Congratulations! How exciting.
Concord Comet at iSLa Planet -
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